2023 Derby Party

Join us for our 2023 Kentucky Derby Event, which is scheduled for Saturday, May 6, and will be held at the Taberna Country Club, located at 401 Taberna Way, New Bern, NC 28562, from 5:15 PM to 9:30 PM.  Heavy Hors D’oeuvres will be available, cash bar, as well as a DJ to enhance the fun.  Wear your best Derby attire; and watch the race together on the big screen!

Attendance is limited to 88, and the deadline for registration is April 26, so sign up soon! We hope to see you there!

Newcomers Kentucky Derby Invitation 2023

Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

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Home page photo credit - Rob Paine

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562

