About the Newcomers Club of New Bern
The Newcomers Club of New Bern has welcomed thousands of residents to the area since 1987. Through monthly meetings and over 20 activity groups, the club provides an easy and fun way to make new friends and learn about this great community we call home.
The club meets at 7 p.m., at the Harrison Center, 311 Middle Street, in New Bern, on the second Thursday of the month except in July, August and December. Click here for our full events calendar. The club's objective is to help newcomers transition into their new community. As a Club member, you will have opportunities to meet other newcomers and to learn about local resources and history.
You must be a paid member of the club to take part in club activities, though if your are interested in joining the club, you do not have to be a paid member to check out a monthly meeting.
If you have a concern or a suggestion, you can reach any of our board members by emailing newcomerswebmasternb@gmail.com
The Club is open to individuals in their first year living in the New Bern area. The Club operates under the premise of a three-year membership. This prevents the Club from becoming "closed" because of size. Join Online or Renew Membership HERE.
Newcomers Membership Application (PDF)
The Club offers many activities to its members including Day Trips, Crafting, a Book Club, a Writers' Club, Tennis, and Wine Socials.
The Newcomers Club general membership meeting is held on the second Thursday of each month from September through June.
Monthly Club meetings offer a variety of programs which include guest performers and speakers who present information the community. Past meeting have featured talks on local history, hurricane preparedness and Q and A's with local civic leaders. Meetings also include time to get acquainted with fellow newcomers and to learn about the many social activity groups the Club has to offer.
The Newcomers Club of New Bern does not serve as a forum for Club members or non-members to promote products, services, or to express religious or political views.
The Newcomers Club of New Bern is run entirely by volunteers. The club is a nonprofit and has no paid staff. If you are interested in starting a new activity group this year or leading a current group or serving on the board in future years, please contact a board member. Thank you.
We look forward to seeing and meeting you at an activity or membership meeting in the near future!
You can View a complete list of all Newcomers Board Members and to find out what their roles are by clicking on the link.
The Club's Bylaws and Policies can be accessed using the following link: Bylaws and Policies
Need more info? If you have any questions or need additional information that you may not see here, please leave us a message on our Contact page
Where We Come From....
According to our June 14, 2024 membership report as created by our great membership director Martha Crawley, the top 5 states as currently most represented in the club are :
1. NC 48
2. NY 47
3. FL 43
4. VA 42
5. CT 23
Alumni Group of Newcomers (AGN)
After the third year of you Newcomers Club membership, members "graduate" and may join the Alumni Group of Newcomers (AGN) if they desire.
The Alumni Group is also open to community members who have not participated in the Newcomers Club. The Alumni Group is also open to community members who have lived in New Bern for at least 3 years whether or not they have participated in the Newcomers Club. The Alumni Group has its own leadership team and publishes a monthly newsletter which is delivered electronically via email . The Alumni Group has four general meetings/year, as well as many events throughout the year, some are held jointly with the Newcomers Club.
If you'd like to join the Newcomers' Alumni Club, please email Alumni president Dan Cashman at DanielCashman2@gmail.com
To get an idea what the Alumni Group does in typical month, please Click here to View it's the Alumni Group's newest monthly emails.
Please remember, you do not have to have been a member of the Newcomers Club to join the Alumni Group. Many of the activities you can enjoy in the Newcomers are also open to members of the Alumni Group. There are also some activities that are exclusive to the Alumni Group.
Meet The Welcome Bear
Welcome Bear, who resides at 223 Pollock Street, a half block east of City Hall, at the Cub House visitor center was ‘adopted’ by the Newcomers Club of New Bern and the Alumni Group of Newcomers in September, 2019 to honor the clubs’ over 30 years of providing new residents to New Bern an opportunity to meet new friends, find new activities and learn about their new home. She proudly stands on the front porch of the Cub House. A fundraising effort among the members of the Newcomers Club, past and present, raised over $4,000 for the cost of the bear. She is dedicated to the founder of the Newcomers Club, Sandie Swigart.
About this website
https://newbernnewcomers.org/ is the only website recognized and approved by the Newcomers Club of New Bern board of directors as being the official website of the Newcomers Club of New Bern.
Any other sites that may be online that have similar but not exact URL's are not recognized nor are they owned, posted or maintained by the club.
All contact information posted on this site is shared with the permission and consent of the individuals whose names are associated with those emails and phone numbers.