Webmaster's Note : We currently have not been provided with a schedule for this event to post here. If you would like to learn more when this activity takes place, please contact the activity leader listed below who will help you. For additional help, you can also email our webmaster email posted on the front page of this site. Thanks!
Activity Leader
Jerry King (Alumni)
E-Mail: jjkingconsulting@yahoo.com
Telephone: 252-649-1128
Simply roll your ball as close as possible to the target ball (the pallina) to try and win points for your team! The game can be played by participants in single, doubles or four person teams. So what makes an awesome Bocce player? You!!! Bring drinking water to the court to meet your fellow Bocce players and enjoy your success.
To Attend:
Interested members will be emailed details of a scheduled activity in advance. Simply show up at the location at the scheduled date and time. There is no limit on the number of attendees. To be added to the group's email list, sign up at a general meeting or email the group leader.