Explore the great outdoors in October

While cycling this morning to the pickleball courts, I realized I was not pedaling into the oven-like heat that had beset many of our summer days.  With the start of Fall on September 23rd, let’s all look for opportunities to enjoy the outdoors in New Bern!  Many of our Activity Groups have events planned.  To learn more about any in which you are interested, take advantage of the on-line Search tool  that you can find on our home page at  https://newbernnewcomers.org/

Club President’s Update, October 2023

Our recent September highlight was our first general membership meeting, September 14, 2023. Meeting at the Harrison Center, 311 Middle Street, New Bern, we welcomed many folks new to New Bern and many current members returning for our new program year.  By the buzz of conversation at the beginning of the meeting I would say we are off to a great start connecting with each other.

One distinctive of our monthly meetings is our guest speaker. Suffice it to say that as I prepared to introduce Tammy Rodriguez from the New Bern Visitor’s Center, I was quite surprised to learn that upon arriving she had left the hall. “Yikes, was it something I said?”  No, a family emergency with her daughter (which takes priority in my book.)

Postscript – yesterday,  I spoke with Tammy who shared that her daughter is fine. Recovery from the “injury” incurred was prompt and she attended her gymnastics class the next day with no adverse effect from the night before.  Good news! Tammy looks forward to joining us when future schedules allow.

Adjusting to a change in the agenda, we promptly pivoted and began introductions of our newest members of the club.  Always a good time to hear from folks whose arrival may have been as recent as the past week. Topping off the meeting with our 50/50 raffle and our “Last Person Standing” game, the evening was a fun way to begin the new year.  “Thanks” to all our members who joined us and to our board members and activity leaders for your time and work on behalf of the club.

Highlight for October – our next General Membership meeting, October 12, 2023, ghosts will haunt the hall.  Fear not – they’re friendly . . . just like Newcomers of New Bern.  See you then.

Bill Brettschneider, President

Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

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Home page photo credit - Rob Paine

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562

