New Bern Newcomers 101 Cheat Sheet

In 2024, the club  began offering  Intro to Newcomers 101 mini orientations at 6:30 p.m., on most evenings when our monthly club meetings are held.  As a supplement, here are helpful tips you can use to get the most of your Newcomers membership.

Please check our  our monthly meeting page to see if a Newcomers 101 is being held  at the meeting you are planning to go to.

(These tips are in no  particular order -but we numbered them anyway! )

The key to getting the most out of your Newcomers Club membership is getting active and signing up for activities quickly when they are announced.

  1. Sign up for every activity group you are remotely interested in. Signing up for an activity does not commit you to anything, it simply means you will be the first to know about all activities offered by that group. You can sign up at the activity tables at our monthly  club meetings or you can go to the activity page and email the leader for that activity.

    If you sign up for an activity and are not getting response from the activity leader, please email the webmaster email listed on the front page of this site. A board member will help.

  2. When you see an event you like, jump on it. Email the leader for that activity quickly. Sometimes due to popularity and/or limited space, some activities such at Crafting, Wine Socials and Day Trips, will fill up quickly. Most leaders keep waiting lists too as members sometimes have a schedule conflict and cannot attend an event they signed up for.
  3. If you are really into an activity the club does not offer, contact Ellen our activities director, and volunteer to start a group for that activity. Keep in mind, when you start a group, it may take a few months to build up an audience, but most of the time, our upstart groups are successful.  While we have 20 or more groups, there are still a lot of activities we do not have groups for, including outdoor walks, birding, geocaching, jogging and downhill skiing. (the last one was added to make sure you were paying attention)
  4. Stay in the loop with our emails.  We send all members twice-monthly emails that include messages from our board leaders and preview some upcoming events. You should be getting these emails upon completing your membership, but if you do not, you can also view our most recent email by visit Recent Club Emails. 
  5. Visit our Website and visit us on Facebook when you can. We do our best to keep our website current, dynamic and informative as possible. If you enjoy being on Facebook, we post there often about past events (photos) and upcoming events.
  6. Visit our Events Calendar often. We update our event calendar weekly. Just in case you missed an email or  may not have signed up for a group you wanted to, you can catch all the details here. 

As our club president often says, this is your club. If you have a suggestion or a constructive criticism about our activities, communications or club meetings, please email us at

If you are interested in helping our club continue its record of excellence in welcoming newcomers to our area, you may be interested in becoming one of our club's board members. Please email or talk to one our board members at an upcoming meeting or event. What exactly do our volunteer board members do? Read more here. 

Keep in mind, the goal of our activities are to create opportunities for everyone to have fun and make new friends in the process. 

These tips are provided to help guide you through everything Newcomers. We promise there will be no pop quizzes at upcoming club meetings!

Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

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Home page photo credit - Rob Paine

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562
