Newcomers Club of New Bern, April 2023


Club President’s Message





Hi Newcomers!

Happy Spring everyone!  I know some days it feels like winter is trying to make a return, but the plants are pollinating, turning everything yellow and soon we will see beautiful flowers and, if we’re lucky, cute baby animals.  In my neighborhood the snakes are making an appearance; but they are important too – just watch your step!

At April’s meeting, we will have presenters Wendi Johnson, PE, Resident Project Engineer for the Highway 70 Bypass project, assisted by Sarah Parkins, Southern States District Lead, Communications and Public Involvement (CPI) Practice, who will talk to us about the U.S. 70 Improvements in James City, which is the project that goes between Airport Road to Thurman Road.  I am looking forward to learning more about this project and how it will benefit us.  It will also be interesting to learn the timeline for the project.  Come prepared with any questions you have.

There are a lot of great activities coming up, but I want to highlight two of them.  The first is the Mudcats vs Wood Ducks baseball game on April 23.  The deadline for signing up is fast approaching – April 6.  The second is the Spring Social at the Taberna Country Club on May 6th where we can watch the Kentucky Derby together and enjoy wonderful food and great company.  The deadline to sign up and pay for this event is April 26.

I hope to see you all at the next meeting on April 13.  (The doors will open at 6:15 PM for socializing, and the speaker(s) will begin at 7:00 PM.)

Cathy Lane
President, New Bern Newcomers Club



Activities Director Update

Our activities continue to keep our members busy and engaged. Here’s the latest update:

* We have someone interested in starting a Disc Golf group if there’s enough interest.  If you’d like to join, please reach out to Bob Schraudt at or sign up at the April general meeting. 

* In an effort to better serve all of our members, the Crafters Group is hoping to experiment with hosting two sessions for most activities—one that will meet during the day and the other in the evening. Contact Joanne Ryan at to learn more. 

* As the end of the Club year approaches, several of our activity group leaders will be leaving as they “graduate” to the Alumni Group or move on to other obligations.  Please consider stepping up to keep your favorite activities going.  So far, I know we need leaders for the Singles Mingles, Bunco, and Crafters groups.  Contact me or your current group leader for more information.

Ellen Cioccio

New Bern Newcomers Activities Director




Resources and Reminders


Watch the website for activities being held throughout the year.

Resources: Newcomers Facebook Page

Newcomers Website


Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

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Home page photo credit - Rob Paine

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562
