Newcomers Club of New Bern, February 2022


Club President’s Message

Dear Newcomers:

Our new year was welcomed in with a little snow and ice, which was the first my wife and I have seen since we moved to New Bern in December of 2018!  A welcome sight but short lived which was also well received!  I hope each of you had a safe and healthy month of January and are looking forward to learning more about our city and making more friends along the way.  We’ll do our best to assist you in that regard starting with our Members Meeting on Thursday, 10 February at The Harrison Center.  Doors will open at 6:30PM and the meeting will start at 7:00PM; masks are encouraged.  Our speaker will be important for anyone that uses Highway 70 through James City.  The Resident Project Engineer for the Highway 70 Bypass, Wendi Johnson, PE,  has a very well done and informative presentation of the project, what it will look like, how the roundabouts will work, how it affects both travelers and businesses along the route during and after construction.  The graphics of her presentation provide a good visual understanding of what is coming so you don’t want to miss it.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Our Club continues to operate under the guidance and orders of our state and local governments about COVID and I ask you to please use your best judgement when it comes to making a decision about whether to attend one of our meetings or participate in our activities.  As of now, current directives allow us to hold our meetings and offer our 24 activities for you to participate in as you choose.  In this regard, our activity leaders are doing their best to set up schedules for their respective activities and I encourage you to get involved as you deem appropriate.  You will find information on our website for each of our activities as well as the leaders contact information, and an activities calendar of events.  Please do not hesitate to contact activity leaders with any questions you might have.  We will continue to ask our activity leaders to attend our monthly Member Meetings so you can speak with them directly.  I would like to give a shout out to the following leaders for their time and dedication to their respective activity:  Steve Burton, Biking; Jerry King, Bocce Ball; Barbara Paulsen, Crafters; Ellen Cioccio and Joanne Orluck, Day Trips; Sara Duda, Dining In; Joanie Bogle, Dining Out; Debbie Stephens and Glenda Decker, Mah Jongg; Randy Schmidt, Pickleball and Chess; Robin and Darrell Melton, RV Group; Brad May, Singles Mingles; and, Karen Poole, Wine Socials and Women’s 9 Hole Golf…Thank you!

Finally, at our Board Meeting February 2, we will be establishing a Nominating Committee for the purpose of finding replacements for our current board members.  Finding new board members will be one of our most important actions over the next four months.  I will announce the members of this committee at our upcoming Members Meeting and will post that info on our website.  I ask each of you to please review the descriptions of each of our board positions located on our website and consider serving in one of those positions.  If you are interested in a particular position, I encourage you to speak to the person on the board currently filling that spot to answer any questions you might have.  More to follow on this effort as we move through the coming months.  Thanks for your attention to this matter and your interest in preserving the Newcomers Club of New Bern.  See you on the 10th!



Randy Bogle
President and Activities Director
Newcomers Club of New Bern
619-804-5712 (M)   






Activity Director Update


(There is no update for the month of February.)



Resources and Reminders


Watch the website for activities being held throughout the year.

Resources: Newcomers Facebook Page

Newcomers Website


General Meeting Reminder

Date: February 10, 2022

Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Location:  Harrison Center, 311 Middle Street, New Bern

Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

Connect with us

Home page photo credit - Rob Paine

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562
