Club of New Bern, April 2022


Club President’s Message

Hello Newcomers!

I hope everyone had a safe and healthy short month of February and are now looking forward to the First Day of Spring on March 20.  Spring is a beautiful time of year around this area, from the mountains to the coast, and New Bern is a great place to call home to witness the amazing changes in scenery and experience the positive outlook Spring tends to imbue in all of us each year.  Enjoy!

Our next Members Meeting will be Thursday, March 10 at The Harrison Center starting at 7:00 pm; doors open at 6:30pm.  Our speaker will be New Bern Fire-Rescue Chief Robert M. Boyd, Jr.  Fire-Rescue Chief Boyd joined New Bern Fire-Rescue Department in 1986 as a volunteer firefighter.  Following in his father’s footsteps, he joined the career forces in 1991.  He was promoted to Captain in 1994, Battalion Chief in 2001, Deputy Chief of Operations in 2003 and Fire-Rescue Chief in 2015.  He reports directly to the City Manager and is a Senior Operational Officer and member of the City’s Executive Management Team.  It is an honor to have Fire-Rescue Chief Boyd as our speaker and it provides us an opportunity to salute him and all first responders who work in the Fire-Rescue Department for their dedication and sacrifice in support of us.  Come out and help us show our appreciation!

As I stated in last month’s update, we are in the process of searching for volunteers to fill positions on our Newcomers Club of New Bern Board of Directors.  I have appointed a Nominating Committee to spearhead this effort.  The Chair is Sandie Swigart (Advisor to the Board), and she is assisted by Mary Dowd (Membership Director) and Cindy Harrington (Social Director).  We are looking to fill all board positions except for Communications Director.  I encourage each of you to go to our website,, where you can review the Bylaws and Board Responsibilities as well as find contact info for all current board members.  Please don’t hesitate to contact any of us to address any questions you may have about a position you are interested in filling.  We will be working to have a slate of volunteers to be voted on at our May Members Meeting; the new board will relieve the old board at the June Members Meeting.  This Club has been functioning through volunteer support since Sandie founded it in 1984.  Let’s ensure we keep it going for at least another 38 years!  This is a great organization with a terrific mission.  Please look at where you best fit into its future success!  It’s fun!!!

Lastly, all activities are in full swing, and I hope you are taking advantage of all we have to offer.  Our activity leaders do a great job, and we are very thankful for their dedication and leadership.  Again, please utilize our website to stay informed through the activities web page and the activities calendar.  Finally, please save the date of May 20 for our Spring Party.  More info to follow and you won’t want to miss the fun!

Happy St. Patrick’s Month and I look forward to seeing you on the 10th!



Randy Bogle
Newcomers Club of New Bern
619-804-5712 (M)







Activity Director Update


(There is no update for the month of February.)



Resources and Reminders


Watch the website for activities being held throughout the year.

Resources: Newcomers Facebook Page

Newcomers Website


General Meeting Reminder

Date: February 10, 2022

Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Location:  Harrison Center, 311 Middle Street, New Bern

Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

Connect with us

Home page photo credit - Rob Paine

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562
