Newcomers Club of New Bern, March 2023


Club President’s Message




March, 2023

February’s meeting was once again very well attended and extremely informative.  If you were not at the meeting, make sure you check out the New Bern Civic Theatre’s website (  There are lots of wonderful productions planned for this year in the newly renovated theater.  While I was never in the theater before the renovations, those who were tell me the changes are wonderful.  Don’t forget about the volunteer opportunities we were told about (ushering, bartending, and directing) as well as the opportunity to try out for a part or work behind the scenes in sets, sound, props, costumes etc.

At the March General meeting, we will learn about the New Bern Historical Society – who they are, what they do, and how you can get involved. Our guest speakers will be Mickey Miller and Marissa Moore from the Society.  You will also hear about an upcoming event, the Battlefield Lantern Tour.  I have participated in several of their activities and have learned so much.  I especially recommend the monthly Lunch & Learn.  If you would like to learn something about them before the meeting, check out

I hope you are taking advantage of all the wonderful activities the Newcomers Club has to offer.  Don’t know what those activities are? Talk to the activity leaders at the March meeting.  

A reminder that the next General Meeting of the New Bern Newcomers Club will be held on Thursday, March 9 at the Harrison Center (311 Middle Street).  The doors will open at 6:15 PM (for socializing) and the program/speaker(s) will begin at 7:00 PM.

Hope to see you there!

Cathy Lane




Activities Director Update

The Newcomers Club regularly scheduled sports and games may be considered the backbone of our club.  Whether you’re constantly on the move or prefer a more sedentary experience, we have something for you. 

For outdoor lovers, we offer a variety of sports, including Biking, Golf, Pickleball,Tennis, and Bocce.  A new Boating group recently announced a schedule of activities, as well (no boat required).

If you prefer card or table games, we also provide lots of opportunities for fun.  We have groups who play Bridge, Mahjong, Mexican Train dominoes, Bunco, Chess, and Scrabble, and a group called “Table Games”  that plays a variety of board, card, and dice games.

Finally, if games aren’t your thing, we have a Book club, a Creative Writers group, Crafters, a “Singles Mingles” group for our single members, and several groups that get together for Dining Out, Wine Socials, and Wine Tastings. 

For more information and a schedule of when the groups meet, check the Newcomers web page at, where you can also find contact information for each group.

You’re sure to find a group that shares your interests and helps you meet new friends and become part of your new community. 

Ellen Cioccio 

Activities Director


Resources and Reminders


Watch the website for activities being held throughout the year.

Resources: Newcomers Facebook Page

Newcomers Website


Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

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Home page photo credit - Rob Paine

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562
