Do you enjoy being in the know and spreading the word about fun things in your community? If you plan on being a Newcomers Club of New Bern member in our coming 2024-25 season, we need you! We need you to. join our volunteer creative communications team. We are seeking members who have […]
Please email Joe Girandola nd Matt Jones at for more info. December’s hike will be on Saturday. Dec 14 at 10 AM at Flanners Beach with lunch afterwards at Carolina Grill. You don’t have to be a long distance hiker to join this group. We will be planning short trips to […]
Happy National Volunteer month! Today we would like to thank all the club members and everyone in the community who share their time and talents to make our community a better place to live. We are sending out a special shoutout to our activity leaders who work hard every month to make sure there is […]
The Newcomers Club of New Bern’s April E-News has been published. You can read it now by clicking here. It is your guide to everything Newcomers in April.
This morning I learned that today, March 21 is the “International Day of Forests.” Established by the UN 11 years ago, the day draws attention to the need to preserve these essential ecosystems, which supply food, water, medicine and other resources. Tongue in cheek, do those “other resources” include the bumper crop of pollen we […]
Now that the weather is warming up, there are lots of New Bern Newcomers activities being planned. If you’ve been meaning to get out and play a sport, we have regularly-scheduled groups playing pickleball, tennis, golf, bocce, hiking, cycling and more.
Next club meeting : Thursday, April 11, 2024 Our featured speaker will be Suzanne Madison who will talk about Craven Community College’s Community Enrichment Program courses.
Where We Come From…. According to our latest membership report as created by our great Newcomers of New Bern Club membership director Martha Crawley (Feb. 22, 2024), the top 5 states as currently represented in the club are : 1. North Carolina, 50 Members (12.7% of club) 2. New York, 44 Members (11.2%) 3. Virginia, […]
Luau Murder Mystery at Red Sail Park, Fairfield Harbour Join us May 18 , 2 pm for our annual Spring Fling. We’ve worked hard to put together this imaginative social event complete with Hawaiian music and a mystery prepared by our own Newcomer Stuart Tucker.
If being part of Newcomers has made a difference in your life, please consider serving on the club’s board to ensure that future newcomers have the same opportunity. If you are interested please email . What do board members do? Visit our board page. We’re still in need of a communications person and a club president. […]