President’s Message, December 2023

Thanksgiving!  Next to turkey, stuffing and cranberries, I most closely associate the holiday with “pie!”  Now one might ask, “What kind of pie?”

A recent on-line feed provided an overview of “Favorite Thanksgiving Pies” by State.  The data reports the dominant, nationwide pie winner was pumpkin, challenged by apple in New England while pecan garnered honors in the Central Southern states.

Also noted by State were the most unique subjects of pie-searches. For example: Shoofly (PA), Tamale (OR), Chocolate (LA), along with scattered interests in Sweet Potato. As a transplanted-Northerner first-year college student, I well-remember the cafeteria at Wake Forest. “Oh, look – pumpkin pie!” “Wait a minute – this LOOKS like pumpkin pie yet TASTES like something else?”  Surprise:  my introduction to a Southern-favorite, Sweet Potato Pie.

No, this isn’t announcing the next activity group where we learn to bake and share pie. (Hmmm? –  that could be fun!)  Rather – variety, often called the “spice of life.”  Now at Thanksgiving, we have the opportunity to “give thanks” for variety.  Variety that may have been pleasant; variety that may have been less than preferred; variety punctuated by exclamation or question marks.

From the 1944 pen of Johnny Mercer, “You’ve got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, don’t mess with Mr. In-between.”  Here’s to cultivating an “attitude of gratitude”.

Isn’t variety what we have here in the Newcomer’s Club?   Our members come from all over the country, bringing with them the various styles and selections that signify “Home.”

Kari Greene-Warren

Our most recent guest speaker, Kari Warren introduced us to the variety of recreational resources here in New Bern.  Our activity group leaders provide forums for our participation in a variety of activities. Ellen Cioccio has highlighted various exciting events planned in December.  Join us at the parade on December 2nd.  Looking forward to our Holiday event on the 21st. Your calendar may quickly fill – Enjoy!

On a final note – the most unique pie researched in North Carolina was buttermilk! Never had that. If anyone has a classic recipe inherited from their favorite aunt, doting grandmother or any other close relation, send it my way.

Always fun to try something new.

Pass the pie, please.

Bill Brettschneider, President

Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

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P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562
