Newcomers Club of New Bern, May 2021 Update


Club President's Message

Greetings –

Our next meeting will be at the Union Point Gazebo on Wednesday, May 12 th at 7:00 PM and will also be on Zoom for those who cannot attend in person.  We will continue to follow NC Covid guidelines at all times.

Our last meeting began with an icebreaker game that got folks interacting with others. That was followed by our speaker from the New Bern Visitor’s Center. We also discussed the Activity Groups that are gearing back up to restart. One of these is our outdoor (driveway, yard, whatever) wine socials. They are definitely social events but, not necessarily wine. The beverage you bring is your call. If you want more information or would like to host an event, contact Karen Poole (

The Newcomers Outdoor Summer Celebration will be held at Creekside Park on Saturday, June 12 th, 4 PM to 8 PM. The flyer and registration form are on our website. These forms will also be available at our meetings.

Our search for the officers necessary to continue operation next year continues. We need candidates for the Board of Directors, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Activity Director, Social Director, Membership Director and Communications Director.  A description of the duties can be found at the following link:


If interested, please contact Dave Pfluge ( or Lee Harrington

Regards, Dave Pfluge, President 2020-2021

Activities Director Update

I would like to encourage all our members to attend our 12 May Club Meeting at the Gazebo in Union Point Park at 7PM in person, especially if the weather is good.  I think this is important as we move closer and closer to getting out from under COVID restrictions as well as to support our club's efforts to foster a welcoming spirit to New Bern, and to help folks meet new neighbors and friends.  Com on out and enjoy the evening!

We are in the process of updating the info posted on the activities page of our website, so please take a look and contact the activity leaders for any questions you might have or if you would like to join the group.

For those interested in Shuffleboard, they started meeting on 30 April and plan to meet once or twice a week in the coming months at Courtyards at Berne Village on 2701 Amhurst Blvd starting at 10:00am; maximum allowed to play is 8 at one time.  Please contact Cathy Collier, 941-400-2778 or, if interested.

Mini Wine Socials for May

May 11th - Taberna Neighborhood Area - Hosted by Don personette and Debbie DiGigilio.  Location: 213 Ticino Court. Time: 5PM. Please bring your snack, beverage of choice, and glassware. Limited to 10 people.  RSVP by May 7th to

May 22nd - Carolina Colours Neighborhood - Hosted by Linda Dawson. Time: 6PM,  Bring snack, beverage of choice, glassware and your chair.  Please RSV by May 20th to

For those trying their hand at Bocce Ball, please contact Jerry King,  This group meets weekly on Mondays at Creekside Park starting at 9AM.

The Day Trips group has a trip planned to Fort Macon 7 May at 11am.  Cost is FREE.  Contact Sue MacDonald,, if interested.

Scrabble will meet 3 May at Schlotskys Deli at 12 pm if you want to eat; games start at 12:30pm.  Please contact Sue Spivak,, for additional information.

We have two new activities - Chess and Women's 9 Hole Golf.  The activity leader for Chess is Randy Schmidt,, and this group is combined with Newcomers and Alumni.  Please contact Randy for additional information.  Women's 9 Hold Golf is lead by Karen poole and you can contact her at, or 607-368-3500.

Finally one of our new members asked about ATVing and we would be more than happy to start this activity if anyone is interested in being the leader.  Please contact me if you would like to kick-start this group.

Randy Bogle,
Activities Director

June Summer Celebration

Don’t miss out on the fun.  Make your reservation for our June SUMMER CELEBRATION at the Creekside Park pavilion on June 12th.  There will be outdoor lawn and table games, a box meal and live music by Boomerang.  The cost is $12 per person. Details and reservation forms can be found on the website and at the May meeting. Have questions contact:  Joanie Bogle,, or Cindy Harrington,

The link below will take you to the homepage of the Website.  Scroll to the bottom of the page for our current calendar.

Highlights from Last Month

April Wine Social in Carolina Colours - hosted by Lee and Cindy Harrington.

Day Trippers took a trip to the Sylvan Bird Center in April!


General Meeting Reminder:

Date:  May 12, 2021
Time:  7:00PM
Location:  Weather permitting - Union Point Park Gazebo - Zoom will also be available.


March Activities Update

As spring approaches and the weather warms up, so do our Newcomers Activities. With all that’s going on, now is also a good time to offer special thanks to our activity leaders. These folks volunteer their time to plan, organize, and communicate opportunities for club members to come together, explore the area, make new friends,…


Intro to Newcomers 101, March 14

At our monthly club meetings, we are now offering a brief orientation session, “Intro to Newcomers 101,” at 6:30 p.m. , before the meeting starts at 7. This  talk is open to all  who recently joined and to all  interested in joining.  Our goal is to make it easy to take advantage of everything the…


Don’t miss our newest e-news

The Newcomers Club of New Bern publishes informative  e-news emails each month. Reading these short emails is a great way to keep up to date on everything Newcomer Club. Read the latest email here.  This month you will learn about some big upcoming events including our annual day at the Down East Wood Ducks and…


March President’s Notes

A few weeks ago, I took the time to visit the town of Bath. My journey to this oldest town in North Carolina was organized by the Day Trips Activity group and was an event well attended and enjoyed. 


Next Newcomers Photo Walk Happening Feb. 22

SAVE THE DATE The February 2024 photo walk will be held in downtown New Bern, beginning at 3:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024. Our theme will be What is your perspective, a visual challenge to find creative ways to photograph three historic buildings in New Bern. For more info on Newcomers Photo Walks and to…


All You Want to Know About Rt. 70 Project at our Next Meeting

Our next monthly meeting  will be Thursday,  March 14, 2024 The featured speaker at our March meeting will be a representative from the Route 70 project who will discuss the purpose of this work and how it benefits and impacts our area.


Former Newcomers Club President Joanne Orluk Memorialized at Local Park

The plaque in memory of former Newcomers Club of New Bern president Joanne Orluk has been installed on a memorial bench at Martin Marietta Park in New Bern.


Meet New Friends While Helping Others

The Newcomers Club of New Bern’s next Volunteer Group Project -where you help your  community along with your fellow Newcomers Club members- is scheduled for the morning of Friday, Feb. 9, 2024. at the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC in New Bern.


Holiday Photos from the Newcomers Photo Walk Group

We have put together a slide show of photos taken by our talented Newcomers Club members who took part in our December Holiday Sites and Lights Photo Walk in New Bern, Dec. 12, which included more than a dozen photographers.


Newcomers Club Marches in New Bern Christmas Parade

A group of Newcomers Club of New Bern members had a terrific time  marching in the City of New Bern Christmas Parade, Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023.  Thanks to everyone who came out and said hello and thanks to our incredible activities director Ellen who suggested and coordinated the club’s participation in what we hope will…


What is a month with the Newcomers Club of New Bern Like?

In this short video, we look back on some of the fun members of the Newcomers Club of New Bern had in September, 2023. We have also included some photos from earlier events. If you are new to the New Bern area and would like to learn more about easy and affordable it is to…


Ghosts expected at October 12 meeting

Actors  from the New Bern Historical Society’s 33rd Annual Ghost Walk will be featured at the Newcomers Club of New Bern’s October monthly, Thursday, Oct. 12th, in NewBern.


Newcomers Club of New Bern
P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562


Welcome from the Newcomers Club of New Bern

The Newcomers Club of New Bern welcomes you to the great state of North Carolina and to the wonderful city of New Bern.

Connect with us

Home page photo credit - Rob Paine

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14140
New Bern, NC 28562


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